Connections are Priceless!
Apostle Robbin Hargrove and Apostle Kim A. Davis
Alliance of Eagles Fellowship, Inc
Alliance of Eagles Fellowship, launched by Apostle Kim A. Davis, is a fellowship of independent churches, ministries and kingdom businesses united to win the world for Christ and to prepare the way for His return. The highlight of the AOE is the Annual Gathering of Eagles and Holy Convocation which will feature both internationally acclaimed speakers along with our very own in workshop sessions, planning and organizational meetings, and worship services purposed to prepare us for kingdom business and provide continuity amongst the fellowship. During the Holy Convocation we will commemorate with the elevation of men and women within the Body of Christ with a formal ceremony.
Bethesda Fellowship
Bethesda Fellowship of Churches and Leaders is a prophetic/apostolic fellowship which comprises like-minded Churches, Ministries, and Marketplace Ministers: leaders of various spheres influence whom are committed to a loving partnership, and assisting one another in fulfilling the Great Mandate (Commission) for the purpose of the advancement of the Kingdom of God in the earth.
The body of Christ is commanded to be one (John 17:21). It is the focus of Bethesda Fellowship of Churches and Leaders to ensure that our partnering churches, ministries and leaders of all spheres of influence form meaningful peer relationships with one another. In proper relationship/fellowship they will find the assistance necessary in every area of ministry which promotes effectiveness collectively and as a whole.
The direct result of meaningful peer relationships, Pastors, & Ministers of both the church and the Marketplace will not only find personal successes but success that impacts all areas of their lives and the lives of those whom are reached by their influence.
As you consider joining the Bethesda Fellowship of Churches and Leaders, know that everything we do is based on relationships and partnerships. Under the leadership of the Chief Apostle Eugene Smith the gifts are stirred up and released to operate in their various operations. This is the very core of Ephesian 4:11 in action, as it is the operation of these various gifts which equip and in turn prepare the saints to fulfill the purpose of their calling. The whole body fitting together, every joint supplying its part is the goal that the world may be able to identify that we are the disciples of the son of God because of the love (unity) we have; love stemming from the knowledge that “We’re Better Together!”
Association of Independent Ministries
After a strong witness from God in 2001, Apostle Hilliard developed an organization of Pastors who either see him as a spiritual father or mentor. This organization is called the Association of Independent Ministries (A.I.M.). The AIM fellowship was established to Spiritually mentor other pastors and its current membership is 1,000+ churches nationwide. Apostle Robbin joined the Association of Independent Ministries in 2017. She received a literary award honoring her two published books, “Will You Sit Here and Die?” and “Serving Beyond Sabotage.”
Spiritual Architectural Landscaping International
SAL Ministries International is an Apostolic Alliance, an association of five fold ministries and apostolic leaders established to bring globally minded ministries together. This ministry was founded by the late Bishop Herb Hutchinson. SAL creates relationships and develops creative dialogue in order to transfer Kingdom purpose and God’s will from heaven to Earth through SPIRITUAL, ARCHITECTURAL LANDSCAPE DESIGN. Every July, the Summit Training Post hosts a week long conference where global leaders come together to minister and worship with the Navajo Nation in Window Rock, Arizona. We are currently under the leadership of Pastor Lois Hutchinson.